Hi, my name is Jason Dove and I am interested in Minis and other classic cars. I’ve created this site to share information, show my cars, projects, and some of what I do in the workshop at Jason’s Mini World and Classics. Hope you enjoy the site!
I am a qualified mechanic with more than 30 years of experience working on cars, with a passion for the classic Mini and other classics. Lately, I have focused on renovating engines and gearboxes for these cars.
I now offer my extensive know-how and am ready to either help you with your own project or sell you a complete and renovated/restored engine or gearbox. No job is too small so don’t hesitation to contact me.
I have made a list containing the primary jobs regarding modification of engines and gearboxes on Classic Minis. The list includes set prices (not including the cost of spare parts):
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Efter mange overvejelser åbner værkstedet Jasons Mini World and Classics.
Mit navn er Jason Dove, og jeg har beskæftiget mig med klassiske Minier og andre klassiske biler i over 30 år.
På det seneste har jeg haft en passion for at bygge og modificere motorer og gearkasser til disse biler. Nu vælger jeg at tilbyde min erfaring og know-how til andre; så hvis du har en projektmotor eller en -gearkasse, du gerne vil have hjælp til, er du velkommen til at kontakte mig.
Jeg tilbyder alle niveauer af renovering, også hvis du helst selv vil stå for renoveringen, men mangler hjælp til nogle af de processer, som er nødvendige for at udføre netop din opgave.
Jeg kan også tilbyde en komplet renovering.
My first encounter with Minis was my parents’ “Woody” which was our family car. I think because of a broken petrol gauge my dad checked the fuel level with a stick down the fuel filler pipe!
I’ve seen a few Polaroids (do you remember those?) with my brother and me sitting in the classic children’s photo pose on the bonnet. I wish I knew the registration number so I could find out if it still exists and if the petrol gauge has ever been fixed!
I was born in 1972 in sunny Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. I now live in Denmark and have done so for over 20 years. There is a small but thriving community for Minis in Denmark with some very knowledgable people always ready to help – I like to count myself as one and and am quite happy to pass on any knowhow I have gathered over the years.
My first workshop in Scotland was an old abandoned tractor shed with no real solid floor, but it was mine. I had to drive about 10 miles from my house to get to it but I was there almost every day tinkering away on various cars – including Minis.
My first real Mini was black – and by black I mean everything was black: wheels, body, windows, grill.. even the interior! It came with a private registration and I paid 100 pounds for it and it was still MOT’ed. I wonder if that one is still alive!
I’m lucky now to have a fully equipped, heated garage with room for all kinds of projects.